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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 19, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 8
More than half an hour and three more innocuous satellites later, Nyx and Major Ioane are still circling the planetoid in search of the...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 17, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 7
Nyx Yrital double-checks the set of straps holding them securely to the rear seat of Major Ioane’s darter. They’re not an anxious person...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 14, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 6
Mirawynd contents themself with snuggling in the lap of their newly-discovered cousin while their human and Abiexplain how and why the...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 12, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 5
Pilot-Major Abigail Ioane had called the Mayview complex home for most of her childhood and adolescence. She’d once known every corridor...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 10, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 4
Some time later, Mirawynd is investigating the underneath of a table near the room’s open doorway. The table is covered in the same sort...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 7, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 3
Mirawynd has not yet shed enough of their soft silver kitten-fur to enjoy being made to take baths. They like water well enough while...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 5, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 2
The walls of the corridor leading from the hangar to the outpost’s central dome are covered in an incredibly overgrown mass of vines. The...
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Strange Space Adventures
Jan 3, 2023
The Garden in the Darkness | Part 1: An Unscheduled Landing | Chapter 1
In the outermost asteroid belt of the star system known as Kapteyn, a dwarf planet in a wide orbit quietly circles its faraway host star,...
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Katie Silverwings
Jan 1, 2023
Presenting The Garden in the Darkness: A Strange Space Novel!
Happy New Year, everyone! I'm pleased to present to you the cover of my next Strange Space book: The Garden in the Darkness. I've been...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 27, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 22
“Welcome back, Cadet Ocean,” says Entile Wyndi, who seems to be making a point of being formal. “I’m sorry we haven’t gotten to chat...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 24, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 21
Two days before their arrival at Earth and not long after finishing their night’s work in the Drive Bay, Merlani is floating alone in...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 22, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 20
Several days before Starbright is expected to make port at Earth’s Luna Orbital Space Station, Merlani is enjoying a quiet evening with...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 20, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 19
Just after the coordinates have been called down for the first jump into Quantum Space on the second day of LSS Starbright’s voyage to...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 17, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 18
“Good morning!” Merlani slides into one of the free seats at the table in the middle of Starbright’s mess where the rest of their...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 15, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 17
The starship LSS Starbright’s main dining area is, as usual, practically deserted during the ship’s designated night period. Most of her...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 13, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 3: The Meddling of Navigators | Chapter 16
A month or so before the end of their second year as a student at the Sol Central Space Service Academy, Merlani finds themself not on...
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Katie Silverwings
Dec 10, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 2: The Pirate Queen and the Fugitive | Chapter 15
A week of sitting and listening to people talking about what they’ve done and having to tell their side of things over and over again...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 8, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 2: The Pirate Queen and the Fugitive | Chapter 14
As it turns out, Mercury is one of the oldest horses on the ranch: a bay and white painted gelding who is both hard to fluster and easily...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 6, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 2: The Pirate Queen and the Fugitive | Chapter 13
In all their wonderings about what living on Earth would be like, Merlani had never considered there would be an occasion where instead...
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Strange Space Adventures
Dec 3, 2022
How Ocean Merlani Stole their Navigator | Part 2: The Pirate Queen and the Fugitive | Chapter 12
Merlani has been laying on this couch in the darkness with their eyes closed for long enough that they’ve almost forgotten how it was...
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